On Fri, July 21, 2006 2:22 am, Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
> Jim Trigg wrote:
>> I'm setting up a new system with 6.1-RELEASE, and I forgot to install
>> portupgrade from a package during the OS install.  ruby-bdb fails to
>> build, complaining that it doesn't know how to make 'all' (it doesn't
>> specify which directory it's in, but it's right after it runs
>> extconf.rb).  Any clues?
>> (Note: when I posted this earlier I mentioned changing LOCALBASE.
>> Further
>> testing has shown that it fails regardless of LOCALBASE setting.)
> Make sure you have a fresh ports tree.
> May be you should reinstall ruby.

I did have a fresh ports tree, and I've tried that.

Full list of what I've done:
- Installed 6.1-RELEASE from CD
- Installed cvsup
- Ran cvsup ports-all
- Attempted to install portupgrade with BDB4; ruby-bdb failed to build
- Uninstalled all ports, changed LOCALBASE to /opt and X11BASE to $LOCALBASE
- Attempted to install portupgrade with BDB4; ruby-bdb failed to build
- Uninstalled all ports, changed LOCALBASE back to /usr/local
- Installed ruby18, attempted to install ruby-bdb; ruby-bdb failed to build
- Uninstalled all ports, changed LOCALBASE back to /opt
- Installed portupgrade with BDB1.


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