On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:09:27 -0500, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- Dejan Lesjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
On Friday 14 July 2006 01:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi;
> Just here mumbling...
> It would be interesting to set
> X11BASE=/usr/X11 when using XFree86 and
> X11BASE=${LOCALBASE} when using XOrg.
> Not only due to historical consistency (/usr/X11 is the path
recommended in
> XFree86 manpages), but as a way to be able to use XFree86 and keep the
> system somewhat cleaner.
Well, I was planing XFree86 would move to LOCALBASE as well - if it
ports depending on X11 would have to special case XFree86 libraries and
includes and such, which would make system a bit less clean. Why do you
Hmm.. there should be no need to have special cases for ports that
respect X11BASE. Ports that don't respect X11BASE (those that have
hard coded) should be cleaned/fixed anyways.
using /usr/X11 would make things cleaner?
I haven't checked lately but XFree86 and XOrg are currently in conflict
they? One has to deinstall and rebuild all the packages built with XOrg
start a fresh build to use XFree86. Having XFree86 on it's own prefix
avoid the problem of having packages built with the wrong version of X
and it
also make an eventual clean up easier.
Nobody should install both xorg and xfree86 at the same time. It's pretty
pointless and it would cause more messy when you try to build other ports
that depend on either of it. Move everything in LOCALBASE, nothing more
and nothing less, is much cleaner.
I think the user perceived default wouldn't change, with most people
using XOrg
in LOCALBASE, and some people using XFree86 in X11BASE. Of course if
X11BASE disappears is another matter, but at least for backwards
(4.x?) it's good to have it for a while.
just my 0.02$
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