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Andy Greenwood wrote:
> cd /usr/ports/www/apache13 && make install clean
> should install apache and all it's dependancies for you. As for
> writing your applications, I can't even begin to help without more
> info. Perhaps you should search for information on your programming
> language of choice. You can write your application in any folder you
> want, but a likely place might be either your home directory or a
> subdirectory of your apache's document root (depending on the
> application's...uh...application) which defaults to
> /usr/local/www/data-dist/

Uhm, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't /ust/local/www/data-dist
exactly what it says on the tin? i.e. it may be clobbered by
uninstalling or upgrading.

> On 7/10/06, Mihir Sanghavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I have installed freeBSD 5.5 and am connected to the net now. I would
>> like
>> to install apache and devlop some application from there. How should i
>> start
>> writing my application, execute it. I even make to figure out what
>> folder to
>> write application and how to deal with it. Thank you
>> -- 
>> What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

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