hey guys. why do I keep getting these addressed from the mailing list?  is 
someone in my mail or your mail? is this spoofed as coming from the list? it 
seems odd that I always get one in close proximity to a real list send. I am 
subscribed to the general freebsd list and I never get one addressed from them.

Thanks and sorry for the trouble if its my fault.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: freebsd-pf-requ...@freebsd.org
Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎June‎ ‎21‎, ‎2016 ‎8‎:‎00‎ ‎AM
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Today's Topics:

   1. A Recommendation from U.N (U.N)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 19:01:27 -0400
From: U.N <divinesp...@server.fujideclaration.org > 
To: freebsd-pf@freebsd.org
Subject: A Recommendation from U.N
Message-ID: <e1bf8c7-0000ut...@server.fujideclaration.org>

Dear Email User This Is Our Final Notification Contact The Office With The 
Email Bellow To Receive Your Award Fund

Dear Email User Our Final Notification

I am Rev VALENCIA special Envoy on Global Human Right Abuse and Conflict 
Resolutions i work with United Nation office Here in New York

We Want To Inform You That United Nation Just Concluded There 2016 Online 
Raffle Draw and your Internet Email Account were attached to ticket number 
(2PYUK2010) and ballot number (UK: 51322010/110) were among the lucky winners 
You Have Won a Cash Price

To Receive Your Cash Prize Email Or call +19406181523 E-mail 
standardcharetere...@cantv.net or forwardamericae...@yahoo.com 

United Nation
Award Team 2016


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of freebsd-pf Digest, Vol 518, Issue 1
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