> atar wrote on 06/16/2016 09:15:
> [...]
>>> www.google.com DNS TTLs are 5 minutes so you shouldn't have to worry
>>> about the IP changing in less then a minute UNLESS your PF firewall
>>> and your browser use different DNS servers and could therefore get
>>> different answers
>>> Regards,
>>> Gary
>> Can you give me any hint how to cause PF to redirect all the traffic through 
>> the squid proxy? I'm pretty new in them both (PF and squid).
> You can find basic config here
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Intercept/FreeBsdPf
> Squid can be installed from ports / packages
> http://www.freshports.org/www/squid/
> Miroslav Lachman

Thanks you very much!
I hope I'll find it helpful.
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