If I understand you correctly, you want binat inside IPSec and therefore you 
must enable filtering in tunnel.

This will help you:


 --- Original message ---
 From: "Zeus Panchenko" <z...@ibs.dn.ua>
 Date: 25 December 2013, 20:11:05

> Hash: SHA1
> hi,
> please, may somebody help with the subj? is it possible at all on
> FreeBSD with pf?
> I need to binat some of my LAN (network A) ip addresses to some of
> secure communication addresses (network B) for, behind IPSec network C,
> access
> target <-> world <--> em0 - freebsd - vlanA <--> LAN
> ^ ^ net A
> | |
> +- netC -.-.-.-.- IPSec -.-.-.-.- net B -+
> when I land some B network address on freebsd box, than everything from
> that address works but, when I try to bi/nat some network A address to some
> network B address, it is not
> in pf.conf I try this:
> binat on vlanA from A1 to C3 -> B2
> where:
> A1 is some address from net A
> B2 is some address from net B
> C3 is some address from net C
> I can see incoming packets from A1 to C3 on interface vlanA, but after
> that, packets "disappears", I can not find them any other interface and
> no return packets
> as far as I know I need "nat before vpn" ... but I was not able to find
> how to do that ... can I do that with pf on freebsd?
> I run FreeBSD 9.2-PRERELEASE #6 r255856: amd64 with system pf
> please, help me understand what am I missing ...
> - -- 
> Zeus V. Panchenko jid:z...@im.ibs.dn.ua
> IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC GMT+2 (EET)
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (FreeBSD)
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> =2FPq
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