--- Original message ---
From: "Berend de Boer" <ber...@pobox.com>
Date: 22 December 2013, 20:56:35

> Hi All,
> pf has not worked well for me after version 8. Certain rules crash the
> kernel
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=misc/182141). Avoiding
> these rules gave me something that at least kept the system alive on a
> But since the RC versions my system stays up for only a few days,
> before I need a reboot as network connectivity gets reset.
> It's the modem (pppoe), every few minutes all tcp (?) connections get
> dropped somehow. A reboot fixes it for a week or so.
> I have no clue how to debug this.
> But I'm getting pretty scared of pf, and going back to ipfw might seem
> best.
> What are people's thoughts on pf in FreeBSD, does it have a future?
> Are there people working on pf? Should I simply forget about it, and
> go back to ipfw?
 It's just my IMHO and experience. Pf in 10 is good, especially in performance 
context (thx glebius@) but, unfortunately, yes you should forgot about pf if 
you are planning to use not only firewalling but shaper/prioritization too due 
to poor performance/flexibility of ALTQ, especially in case of complex network 
Or you can use OpenBSD with new "prio" queueing mechanism

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