On 17. Feb 2012, at 19:42 , Robert Z wrote:

> I am getting constant kernel panics with VIMAGE and PF on FreeBSD 9-RELEASE 
> with jails.
> I have tried diffrent PF configurations with VIMAGE + epair or VIMAGE + 
> netgragh and still get kernel panics.
> The kernel panics stop as soon as I disable PF in rc.conf.
> Example of setup PF + VIMAGE + epair.
> http://wiki.polymorf.fr/index.php/Howto:FreeBSD_jail_vnet
> Example of setup PF + VIMAGE + netgragh  
> http://druidbsd.sourceforge.net/vimage.shtml 
> I am attaching an example pic of said panics.
> http://i40.tinypic.com/2q00etz.jpg
> Any advice on solving this will be appreciated.

VIMAGE is experimental.  pf is not yet supported as are a couple of other 
things including most cloned interfaces etc.

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
   It does not matter how good you are. It matters what good you do!

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