I've noticed wierd behavior of pf port redirection. I have FreeBSD 8.2 box
which nat'ed my lan. There are some http/mail servers presented in lan, tcp
port redirection work fine, but udp redirection to my H323 enabled device is

When I initialising call , replied udp packets successfully  redirected to
my h323 device, but if call is  initialising from outside to me -
redirection just not work (I can't hear remote peer). I see udp packets hit
to my ext_if , but nothing appear in lan_if.


nat pass on $inet_if from $lan_net to any -> $inet_if
rdr pass on $inet_if proto tcp from any to $inet_ip port {25,80} ->
# Work fine
rdr pass on $inet_if proto tcp from any to $inet_ip port 1720 -> #
Work fine
rdr pass on $inet_if proto udp from any to $inet_ip port 2048:2063 -> # Work only if I initialising call

pass all

Also I tried to adjust udp session timer:

set timeout udp.first 300
set timeout udp.single 150
set timeout udp.multiple 900

Is this pf bug or I something misconfigured pf.conf?
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