On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Zhu Sha Zang <zhushaz...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> I'm trying to block facebook access only using PF in FreeBSD 8.2.
> But putting the name or the ip returned with the command host
> www.facebook.com i can't deny any user to connect facebook.

I found a way to block it with pf but didn't have the control that I
wanted so I started using Squid and am super happy.  I even set it by
time spans, days, etc. etc.

I have a file that has facebook in the /usr/local/log/squid/ directory
/usr/local/etc/squid # cat squid-block.acl

In my squid.conf file i added.

   #  This is a special "public" machine that on ocassion needs facebook accss..
        acl myclients src
        http_access allow myclients

    # This should be clear with times and weekdays specified and it is
just under the allow for

        acl bad url_regex -i "/usr/local/etc/squid/squid-block.acl"
        acl lunchtime time MTWHF 14:00-16:15
        acl night time MTWHF 18:45-23:59
        acl morning time MTWHF 00:00-10:30
        http_access deny bad !lunchtime !morning !night

I find it works fine and prefer it be in squid than PF

I use the following in PF and it seems to work but IMMHO I still
prefer squid and find it much safer.

I have only used pf to block my LAN and and haven't taken time to find
a way to allow some ip's and delete the rest plus I don't see it as
practical.  My pf.conf is confusing enough without adding lan user

You might wan  to look at

Hope this helps,


> Some trick to do that?
> Thanks for now.
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