HI tom
I know, and this is what I said.
Yes you right and can replace the reload and put it into the a table with
the pf command.
But the server is on a 1mb/10mb ADSL line and trough put does not really
It was send as an example only not as a must do. This script  have done 5
years ago as a quick hack
And because I'm not a expert with PF, I'm subscribed to this list so I can
learn without prejudice


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Uffner [mailto:t...@uffner.com] 
Sent: 06 December 2009 23:01
To: Torsten Kersandt
Cc: freebsd-pf@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: Limit connections doesn't work

Torsten Kersandt wrote:
> HI 
> I personally have all ssh and alike ports closed on my servers.
> If I want to connect to the server per ssh or whatever function, I login
to a hidden php which adds my current IP to a sql table.
> I use sql because I'm not the only one using this and want to keep track
which admin is logging in.
> A cron job is running every minute looking in the table and adding the new
ip addresses to the pf include file and reloading PF
> Every night at 4am, I empty the text file and reload pf.
> I know that this could be done more elegant but KISS is what I like.

that script is horribly inefficient and disruptive to your firewall

you could save a lot of unnecessary cpu cycles and speed up your
connections a bit by simply replacing the reloads with pfctl
commands that manipulate the table directly.

> #!/bin/sh
> ### MySQL Setup ###
> MUSER="username"
> MPASS="password"
> MHOST="localhost"
> MYSQL="/usr/local/bin/mysql"
> #
> ### Get all new IP addresses ###
> DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'select ipAddress from
intranet.ipCleared WHERE `timestamp` > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-60)')"
> for ip in $DBS
> do
>  ## this bit is emailed to me over cron run-output if a new IP address was
>  echo $ip >> /usr/local/etc/pf/pf.VNCallow
>  echo "Added $ip to VNC Access from MYSQL Table"
>  /etc/rc.d/pf reload
> done

that loop at the end is anything but KISS.

select the new addresses and add them to the table with something like

pfctl -t VNCallow -T add $DBS

instead of that do loop. for persistence across reboots, select all the
address in your SQL table & add them to the pf table when pf starts.
clear the table with

pfctl -t VNCallow -T flush

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