Link wrote:
Tom Uffner wrote:
i'm having trouble making sense of that rule. could you explain (or maybe
draw a simple diagram) what you are trying to accomplish with it?
Seems that i found problem. And I`m going to post it to freebsd bugs.
you're probably better of staying on freebsd-pf
My full configuration is:
scrub in all
pass out on $if_bce1 route-to ($if_bce0 $if_bce0_gw) from $if_bce0 to
any no state flags any
The sense is: when packet comes in on bce0 server should ignore default
route ( set on bce1 ) and reply via bce0 using gateway if_bce0_gw
just guessing (based on very incomplete info) you might want
"pass in on $if_bce0 route-to ($if_bce0 $if_bce0_gw) to any"
but it seems like there should be a simpler way to do that.
can you give us a little more info about your net topology? for example,
what IP addresses, if any, are bound to the interfaces? what network(s)
are directly attached? location(s)/address(es) of your router(s)? do you have
any static routes defined?
Now i have about 15 hosts with freebsd 7.1
Part of them are p2 and part of them p3
This problem appears only in p3
not sure why the chipset would make a difference. maybe that is a bug.
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