hail, I have 7-STABLE running as a router, and now I found to have this issue:
altq on $ext_if bandwidth 310Kb hfsc queue { ack_dns, ack_ssh, ack_msn, ack_http, ack_http2, ack_bolo, ack_jogos } queue ack_dns bandwidth 7% priority 7 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 5%) queue ack_ssh bandwidth 10% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 20%) {ssh_bulk, ssh_login} queue ack_jogos bandwidth 20% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 20%) queue ack_msn bandwidth 10% priority 4 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 5%) queue ack_http bandwidth 35% priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 15%) queue ack_http2 bandwidth 13% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 10%) # queue ack_bolo bandwidth 1% priority 1 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit 10% default) queue ack_bolo bandwidth 1% priority 1 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 1% default) altq on $int_if bandwidth 100Mb hfsc queue { http, ssh, dns, msn, bolo, jogos, lan } queue dns bandwidth 70Kb priority 7 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 50Kb) queue ssh bandwidth 100Kb priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 100Kb ) queue msn bandwidth 50Kb priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 50Kb) queue jogos bandwidth 100Kb priority 4 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 100Kb) queue http bandwidth 500Kb priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 350Kb) queue bolo bandwidth 180Kb priority 2 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 50Kb default) my problem is that http2 (and I assume the others also) just use all upload when ack_bolo has upperlimit XX, not with realtime YY. this "bolo" rule is the bulk (as for calomel's pf howto) and this should be the least packets to go. http2 is for [EMAIL PROTECTED] uploads, to be more than ack_bolo (p2p) and less than http. if I use uperlimit 10%, it works ok, but when not uploading from [EMAIL PROTECTED], I loose bandwidth for p2p. if I put realtime 1%, it takes almost all bandwidth :( if anyone has anything to help, thanks in advance, matheus -- We will call you cygnus, The God of balance you shall be _______________________________________________ freebsd-pf@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-pf To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"