On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:03:32PM -0700, Jason C. Wells wrote:
> Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>> I believe it's because pf(4) doesn't make assumptions about what you
>> want to filter.  NAT is stateful (it has to be, because packets are
>> being re-written, and the WAN-side port numbers are going to be
>> different than the LAN-side), but filtering rules still apply **after**
>> the translation has been done.
>> What's happening is that your nat rule results in pf re-writing the
>> packet, then the packet is immediately blocked by one of your block
>> rules (I'm assuming "block out").
>> The pf.conf manpage documents this, more or less:
>>      Since translation occurs before filtering the filter engine will see
>>      packets as they look after any addresses and ports have been translated.
>>      Filter rules will therefore have to filter based on the translated
>>      address and port number.  Packets that match a translation rule are only
>>      automatically passed if the pass modifier is given, otherwise they are
>>      still subject to block and pass rules.
> I guess my misunderstanding comes in where the pass modifier is concerned. 
> I also have a weak understand of what "state" actually means.     The 
> "automatically passsed" part of your citation isn't automatically passing.

Oh!  I'm sorry, I missed the "pass" word that was in your nat rule.  I
don't ultimately know what that does internally to pf.  There does not
appear to be any actual documentation on what the "pass" entry in a nat
rule actually does.

This sounds like it could be a bug; even the pf examples in
/usr/share/examples/pf don't use "pass" in a nat rule.  I'll leave the
bug comment up to the pf experts here to analyse, though.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                jdc at parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                       http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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