Hi Guys, 




Please correct me if I am wrong that PF 4.1 in FreeBSD 7.0 automatically
inserts 'Flags S/SA' to rules? 


The problem is that when it comes to this rule: 


pass in quick on $int_if


after loading to pf


pass in quick on em0 flags S/SA keep state


The way I see this is that this rule would be applied to udp traffic as
well which will be dropped/blocked because flags only work for tcp and
this might be the cause of state-mismatches that I see in the table -  

state-mismatch                  11577272           48.7/s



 How can we prevent pf from loading the flags S/SA in the rules


Also what is the effect of this on the block rule?


'block in log on $ext_if all'

'block return out log on $ext_if all'







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