--- Original Message --- From: "Mark Pagulayan" To: Date: 18 january, 02:57:30
Subject: PF Performance on FreeBSD 6.2 Release > Hi All, > > > > We are
planning to upgrade our old Firewall ( PF) boxes which runs on > OpenBSD 4.0 to
run OpenBSD 4.2 because of the improvements being done > on the PF. > > > > I
tried to install OpenBSD 4.2 on our new hardware, IBM x3655 with an > IBM
ServeRaid 8K controller, but unfortunately OpenBSD 4.2 does not have > driver
support for the IBM ServeRaid 8k controller. I found by looking > on the
internet that FreeBSD supports IBM ServeRaid 8k. > > > > My question is, is the
PF in the OpenBSD4.2 the same as the current PF > in FreeBSD 6.2? From FreeBSD
Handbook: Warning: When browsing the pf user's guide, please keep in mind that
different versions of FreeBSD contain different versions of pf. The pf firewall
in FreeBSD 5.X is at the level of OpenBSD version 3.5 and in FreeBSD 6.X is at
the level of OpenBSD version 3.7. Vit.
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