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Rodrique Heron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running FreeBSD 6.2 and I want to know if forwarding to a external
> host is supported by PF.  I want to forward all incoming traffic to
> port 22 to another host, but it does not work, forwarding to a Jail
> works though.  Here are my configs:

This is a classic NAT problem.  Picture what happens each step of the

Your firewall = A.B.C.D

External Host = E.F.G.H

External Client = W.X.Y.Z

    Packet (src = W.X.Y.Z dst = A.B.C.D) goes to the firewall.

    Firewall applies NAT, so packet is now (src = W.X.Y.Z, dst =
        E.F.G.H).  Firewall routes the packet back out to the external
        network that it came from.

    External host receives packet (src = W.X.Y.Z, dst = E.F.G.H).

    External host sends back a reply packet (src = E.F.G.H, dst =
        W.X.Y.Z).  This reply goes straight back over the internet; it
        does not ever come back to your firewall, but goes directly back
        to the client.  Firewall does not see reply, so there is no
        chance to apply reverse NAT.

    Client receives packet (src = E.F.G.H, dst = W.X.Y.Z).  The packet
        is unrecognized, however, because the packet that the client
        originally sent was for (src = W.X.Y.Z dst = A.B.C.D).  Client
        sends a RST.  Connection fails.

The way I have solved this problem in other environments is with "double
NAT" where the firewall translates both the Source and Destination IP
for internally-receive traffic.  The firewall applies the correct
destination NAT, but also applies NAT to the source IP, giving its own
IP.  This causes the external server to reply back to the firewall so
that the traffic can be de-NAT'd correctly.

However, I am unaware of the ability to perform Double NAT using FreeBSD
tools.  There is no reason the kernel could not do it; it is just a
missing feature in the toolset.

Offhand I am not sure why you would want to forward traffic from your
host over to some external host.  If you really must do this, the only
way that comes to mind would be using a proxy of some sort, opening a
secondary connection to the external host on behalf of the client.

- -- 
David DeSimone == Network Admin == [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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