
> > S 
> 2390205679:2390205679(0) win 65535 <mss 1460,nop,wscale 1,[|tcp]>
> > 038980 rule 3/0(match): block in on rl0: 
> > S 1802046267:1802046267(0) w
> > 
> > Which of the rules above does rule 3/0(match) refer to?
> It's easier to count the rules this way
> Nat/rdr rules:
>   # pfctl -sn
> filter rues:
>   # pfctl -sr  => now look at the 3'rd line
>  > @8 pass in log inet proto tcp from any to 
> port = smtp flags S/SA synproxy state
>  > @9 pass out log inet proto tcp from to any 
> port = smtp flags S/SA synproxy state
>  > @10 pass in log inet proto tcp from to 
> port = smtp flags S/SA synproxy state
>  > @11 block drop in log all
> There is no quick keyword, so please place @11 before @8 
> reload the pf rules and post the output of
> 1) pfctl -sn
> 2) pfctl -sr
> 3) now take again a look with tcpdump -i pflog0
> this makes things easier to count and refer

Egads, so it was rule #11 that was blocking! I've modified to have #11
appear before #8 and restarted. All appear to be functioning as previously.
I don't quite understand why the original pf.conf rules were letting the
mail into both port 25 and 8025 prior to the last reboot-- I had #11 after
#8 all along!

Thanks for your kind assistance! I've made this a supporting document for
future troubleshooting activity!

~Best ~Doug
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