Hello Everyone!!
May be its no the first time you read about it; but these are my first lessons 
with ipf rules. I have to "kill" or block the msn service but only  in a few of 
IP's, not at all. Do yo know the way to do this?
I tried with:
block out proto tcp from any to port=1863
Surely i am in a mistake.
I thank yours opinions.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: freebsd-pf Digest, Vol 145, Issue 3To: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 12:00:26 +0000Send freebsd-pf mailing list 
submissions to    freebsd-pf@freebsd.org To subscribe or unsubscribe via the 
World Wide Web, visit        
http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-pfor, via email, send a 
message with subject or body 'help' to        [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can reach 
the person managing the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] When replying, please edit 
your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of freebsd-pf 
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:24:58 +0200Subject: Re: 
HEADSUP: pf 4.1 importOn Tuesday 03 July 2007, Max Laier wrote:> Users of pf 
should hold off a bit as I plan to commit a tiny ABI break> after the update is 
finished in order to be able to add netgraph> support in the future.  After 
that a full "buildworld buildkernel> installkernel installworld 
mergemaster"-run is advised.>> Will send an all clear when done. this is it.  
Though my post commit build is still running, things should be alright again. 
Users of pf please note that tcpdump and libpcap need additional patches that 
need to go through the vendor first.  I'm trying to get things moving there, 
but for the time being, please use the attached patch to understand the new 
pflog format. Anyone with hands at tcpdump.org?  Help appreciated! -- FreeBSD 
Status reports due: 07/07/07 :-) /"\  Best regards,                      | 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661 X   
http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ \  ASCII Ribbon 
Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:32:09 +0200Subject: Re: 
HEADSUP: pf 4.1 importIn case you wondered, too.  The signature on my last 
message was bad because the ?list? applied the following cleanup:   
-Content-Type: text/x-diff; charset="iso-8859-6";  -       
name="pf.41.tcpdump_local.diff"  +Content-Type: text/x-diff;  +  
charset="iso-8859-6";  +  name="pf.41.tcpdump_local.diff" The patch is good - 
there is no conspiracy ;) -- FreeBSD Status reports due: 07/07/07 :-) /"\  Best 
regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  Max Laier                  
        | ICQ #67774661 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:34:49 +0200Subject: Re: Current problem reports 
assigned to youI'll ask all owners of pf-related PRs to reevaluate the problem 
in light of the update.  It's unlikely that fixes can easily be backported, but 
I will try if positive feedback is available. -- FreeBSD Status reports due: 
07/07/07 :-) /"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  Max 
Laier                          | ICQ #67774661 X   
http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ \  ASCII Ribbon 
Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 19:23:13 +0300Subject: ALTQ + CBQ -> http & 
ftpHello everyone. Probabily this is not the first email on this topic, so I'll 
be brief:I have the following queues: altq on xl0 cbq bandwidth 5000Kb queue { 
def, ftp, http, ssh, icmp, ack }queue ack bandwidth 50Kb priority 7 
cbq(borrow)queue ssh bandwidth 50Kb priority 6 { ssh_login, ssh_bulk }    queue 
ssh_login bandwidth 25% priority 6 cbq(borrow)    queue ssh_bulk bandwidth 75% 
priority 5 cbq(borrow)queue http bandwidth 4000Kb priority 5 cbqqueue ftp 
bandwidth 390Kb priority 2 cbq(borrow)queue def bandwidth 500Kb priority 1 
cbq(default)queue icmp bandwidth 10Kb priority 0 cbq... and these rules for 
http & ftp traffic: pass in log-all quick on $ext_if1 proto tcp from any to 
<jails> port {80, 8080} flags S/SA synproxy state queue http pass in log quick 
on $ext_if1 proto tcp from any to <jails> port ftp flags S/SA synproxy 
statepass out log-all quick on $ext_if1 proto {tcp,udp} from $external_addr1 
\to any port 65530:65534 flags S/SA keep state queue ftp The thing is that ftp 
is in passive mode and when there is traffic both on http & ftp each type of 
transfer has ~50% of the bandwidth, so the higher priority from http queue 
doesn't apply at all. Has anyone some suggestion for the rules above ? Thank 
you in advance for your pacience and wisdom :) Andrei. 
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
+0400Subject: Re: pf 4.1 Update available for testingNate, Max, good day. Wed, 
Jun 20, 2007 at 11:04:23PM +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:> This error can 
potentially be responsible to the weird bandwidth> values I am having with the 
altq on my notebook.  The issue is> described on the thread>   
Basically, I am setting one BW limit in pf.conf and seeing another> one (much 
lower)  via the ifstat utility.> > I was able only to test the compilation of 
the new patched kernel.> No bandwidth tests were done: I have no access to the 
fast LAN link> up to the Monday, 24th, sorry.  May be I will be able to setup> 
ng_eiface and test with it, but I am not fluent with the netgraph.> Will post 
an update if tests will be carried. At last, carried the tests.  No luck: still 
seeing weirdbandwidth numbers as compared with the setting in the pf.conf. But 
still, the second issue about non-initialized variablescan be committed: it 
will not harm.  What do you both think? Thank you.-- Eygene 
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:18:45 -0700Subject: Re: pf 
4.1 Update available for testingEygene Ryabinkin wrote:> Nate, Max, good day.> 
> Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:04:23PM +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:>> This error 
can potentially be responsible to the weird bandwidth>> values I am having with 
the altq on my notebook.  The issue is>> described on the thread>>   
Basically, I am setting one BW limit in pf.conf and seeing another>> one (much 
lower)  via the ifstat utility.>>>> I was able only to test the compilation of 
the new patched kernel.>> No bandwidth tests were done: I have no access to the 
fast LAN link>> up to the Monday, 24th, sorry.  May be I will be able to 
setup>> ng_eiface and test with it, but I am not fluent with the netgraph.>> 
Will post an update if tests will be carried.> > At last, carried the tests.  
No luck: still seeing weird> bandwidth numbers as compared with the setting in 
the pf.conf.> > But still, the second issue about non-initialized variables> 
can be committed: it will not harm.  What do you both think?> > Thank you. I'm 
reviewing your patch; started yesterday.  I think it can be donesimpler.  I'll 
get back to you today. -- Nate 
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:35:22 -0300Subject: Re: ALTQ + CBQ -> http & 
ftpOn 03/07/07, Andrei Manescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hello everyone.>> 
Probabily this is not the first email on this topic, so I'll be brief:> I have 
the following queues:>> altq on xl0 cbq bandwidth 5000Kb queue { def, ftp, 
http, ssh, icmp, ack }> queue ack bandwidth 50Kb priority 7 cbq(borrow)> queue 
ssh bandwidth 50Kb priority 6 { ssh_login, ssh_bulk }>     queue ssh_login 
bandwidth 25% priority 6 cbq(borrow)>     queue ssh_bulk bandwidth 75% priority 
5 cbq(borrow)> queue http bandwidth 4000Kb priority 5 cbq> queue ftp bandwidth 
390Kb priority 2 cbq(borrow)> queue def bandwidth 500Kb priority 1 
cbq(default)> queue icmp bandwidth 10Kb priority 0 cbq> ... and these rules for 
http & ftp traffic:>> pass in log-all quick on $ext_if1 proto tcp from any to 
<jails> port {80, 8080} flags S/SA synproxy state queue http>> pass in log 
quick on $ext_if1 proto tcp from any to <jails> port ftp flags S/SA synproxy 
state> pass out log-all quick on $ext_if1 proto {tcp,udp} from $external_addr1 
\> to any port 65530:65534 flags S/SA keep state queue ftp>> The thing is that 
ftp is in passive mode and when there is traffic both on http & ftp each type 
of transfer has ~50% of the bandwidth, so the higher priority from http queue 
doesn't apply at all.>> Has anyone some suggestion for the rules above ?>> 
Thank you in advance for your pacience and wisdom :)>> Andrei.> 
_______________________________________________> freebsd-pf@freebsd.org mailing 
list> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-pf> To unsubscribe, 
send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> How much is the traffic each connection?? 
 -- Gilberto Villani BritoSystem AdministratorLondrina - 
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:24:17 -0700Subject: Re: pf 
4.1 Update available for testingEygene Ryabinkin wrote:> Nate, Max, good day.> 
> Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 07:26:09PM +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:>> Fine, 
thanks!  So, you're happy with the way the problem was fixed?>> I see that 
another function that uses tbr_callout is tbr_timeout,>> but it will not be 
called before tbr_set.  So it seems to me that>> callout initialisation only in 
tbr_set is enough.  But maybe I am>> missing something?> > After some thinking 
I came to the idea that one more patch must be> applied.  The variables 
machclk_usepcc and machclk_per_tick can be> left uninitialised following the 
same codepath as for tbr_callout:> tsc_freq_changed() touches only 
machclk_freq, but init_machclk> touches all three variables.> > This error can 
potentially be responsible to the weird bandwidth> values I am having with the 
altq on my notebook.  The issue is> described on the thread>   
Basically, I am setting one BW limit in pf.conf and seeing another> one (much 
lower)  via the ifstat utility.> > I was able only to test the compilation of 
the new patched kernel.> No bandwidth tests were done: I have no access to the 
fast LAN link> up to the Monday, 24th, sorry.  May be I will be able to setup> 
ng_eiface and test with it, but I am not fluent with the netgraph.> Will post 
an update if tests will be carried.> > But I am pretty sure that the 
altq_subr.c should be patched to> properly handle the initialization of these 
two variables.  The> only question is how to do it: via my patch or using some 
different> strategy.> > No more words, the patch is attached.  Comments are 
welcome!>  I have tried to achieve the same goal with a simpler patch.  Here 
arethe changes: Be sure to initialize the callout struct and other setup tasks 
beforeproceeding.  Previously, machclk_freq could be set to a non-zero valueby 
tsc_freq_changed(), preventing the callout from being initialized.To fix this, 
call init_machclk() from all paths.  init_machclk() issplit into two functions, 
one that only runs the first time it iscalled.  The second half runs each time 
the frequency changes andcalibrates various items.  Also, static variables are 
zero so no need toinitialize them. If you can test this, that would be great. 
Thanks,-- Nate
--Archivo adjunto de mensaje reenviado--From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 09:26:40 +0400Subject: using pfctl -s labels and 
keep state for traffic accountingHi, I'm going to use pf's label feature for 
traffic accounting, i.e.creating an anchor for being able to add/remove rules 
with labelson fly and parse the output of pfctl -s labels. However, I spotted 
some problems with such an approach. When using 'keepstate' it seems to have 
some limitations. First of all, it doesn't seemto allow to account in only one 
direction. Well, it was expected becausestates works that way. But calculating 
traffic in both directions give stange resuls too. I have a rule: pass log 
quick on $ext_if proto tcp from self to some_host porthttps label 
"labels:test", I have a file on https which I download. After first try it 
gives:  labels:test 284 23 2943 Then I add 'keep state', reload the rules file, 
check if the countersare zeroed and download the same file again and get: 
labels:test 3 46 29427 Why does it happen that way? BTW, is there some other 
limitations to the approach of trafficaccounting based on pf labels? Roman 
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