Hello everyone. I've stumbled upon this article at http://www.benzedrine.cx/ackpri.html about prioritizing ACKs and the pass out/pass in rules are for packets with flags S/SA (SYN flags = set, ACK flag = unset, rest = ignored).

In the pf manual I found: pass in on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port ssh flags S/SA The above rule passes TCP traffic with the SYN flag set while only looking at the SYN and ACK flags. A packet with the SYN and ECE flags would match the above rule while a packet with SYN and ACK or just ACK would not. So now I wonder how does Daniel Hartmeier's rule prioritize ACKs packets when these packets don't even match that rule ?? That rule is only for packets that have SYN flag set, ACK flag unset and the rest of the flags set/unset. I would apreciate an explanation.
Thank you in advance.
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