
$subject at: http://people.freebsd.org/~mlaier/PF41/

As of today (20070616) I consider this to be BETA quality (at least).  
Please test and provide me (and freebsd-pf@) with feedback (good or 
else).  If things work out well, I plan to commit this soon.

To make testing easier I'm working on RELENG_6 patches as well, but it 
will be a bit to get through the fix/build/repeat-cycles.

Note that almost every API/ABI changed (as usual in OpenBSD-land) and thus 
you need to compile world, remove your old pflogd files.  Also note that 
the pfsync protocol has changed and thus you won't be able to sync an old 
and a new box.  It should be possible to sync with a OpenBSD 4.1 box, 

Enjoy and report back!

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News

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