On Thursday 14 June 2007, Roger Miranda wrote:
> > I don't think this message is related to your trouble. I think you
> > can also avoid these messages by adding 'no scrub' to your pf.conf
> > (I'm currently not aware of any side effects by adding this).
> I did add it.
> > Probably Max has some more suggestions on not scrubbing packets.
> >
> > You should get a debugger into your kernel (like Max suggested)
> The debugger is in the kernel.  I can break to it during normal
> operation. Except when these messages are loop through the screen.
> > and
> > probably also use `pfctl -x loud' or `pfctl -x misc' to get more
> > messages out of pf. If these messages are popping up again, break the
> > system into the debugger and look for the messages (using 'scroll
> > lock' to scroll back some pages), ps and a backtrace.
> I have set debug to loud.
> I found this after I rebooted in dmesg:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> pf_reassemble: complete: 0xc4338100(1504)
> pf_normalize_ip: reass frag 39811 @ 0-1480
> pf_normalize_ip: reass frag 39811 @ 1480-1484
> pf_reassemble: 1484 < 1484?

That's a configuration problem.  Something seems to assume a MTU of 1484 
while there really is a bottleneck with only 1480 which leads to heavy 
fragmentation.  You should find the offender and reduce its MTU.  If 
those messages show up, you did not use "no scrub" however.

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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