On 06/05/07 22:29, David DeSimone wrote:
> Volker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> without seeing your pf.conf ruleset, I guess you're using a ppp
>> connection to your upstream provider and firewalling on the tunX
>> interface (using tun0 as $ext_if).
>> As FreeBSD boots up, this interface does not yet exist when pf is
>> loaded.  As soon as ppp is loaded and interface tun0 has been created,
>> pf will happily load your ruleset.
> My understanding of PF is that it will happily load a configuration that
> contains references to nonexistent interfaces, and when those interface
> come around to existing later, it will happily enforce the policy
> applied to them.  That is to say, I can't find any evidence that an
> interface that doesn't exist causes policy loading to fail.
> To test this, I added a couple of lines to my existing policy:
>     pass out quick on gpx0 all
>     pass in on asdfiawe934 from to
> PF did not complain one bit about these nonsensical interface names, and
> "pfctl -sr" verifies that they do indeed remain in force, even though
> they have no chance of matching anything.


most likely (also look at my statement on using rules which require
the interface's IP address) you've got something like:

pass in on bla0 from any to bla0
rdr on bla0 from any to bla0 port whichever -> $nowhere
nat on bla0 from any to any -> bla0
nat on bla0 from !bla0 to any -> bla0

which will all require pf to get the interface's IP address and all
will fail if that interface does not yet exist (all samples from
memory and not checked for syntactical correctness). These samples are
real world samples and will fail in the first place when being used on
dynamic interfaces.

The following has nothing to do with pf refusing to load rules, but is
an important thing to note:

The case becomes more worst if the interface DOES exist but still has
no IP address (read this as a big fat warning). When using a rule like

pass in on bla0 from any to bla0

but the interface bla0 does not have an IP address, pf will parse this as
'pass in on bla0 from to'

which will render your firewall easily wide open and useless. I've
posted this a few months ago but never get any reply. Such a mistake
is easily been done when using PPPoE as most (physical) PPPoE
interfaces don't have an IP address (as it doesn't require one for
proper PPPoE operation).


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