Hello Alex,

On Thursday 19 April 2007 14:56, Alex Povolotsky wrote:
> I am trying to make kernel-only tcp round-robin proxy.
> The following setup
> rdr on em0 inet proto tcp from any to port = smtp ->
> <outbound> port 25 round-robin
> seemed to me abequate, but it does not work. In states I see
> unknown-1717# pfctl -s state
> No ALTQ support in kernel
> ALTQ related functions disabled
> self tcp <- <-
> and that's all.

as I tried to explain in private mail, this is not nearly enough 
information to debug your problem.  You would need to provide at very 
least the configuration of the setup (i.e. how are the above boxes 
connected) and the routing table information (netstat -rnfinet) of all 
boxes involved.  In addition a tcpdump of both legs of the pf box 
wouldn't hurt, either.

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News

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