> Hi,
> I just want to know how to handle properly packets which pass 
> through the firewall...

That depends on what you're trying to do exactly. 

> I can handle for all packets coming to all interface of my 
> firewall and the same with outgoing packets by using in/out 
> with statement "on $interface"
> But what about forwarding packets ?

Properly configured routing is your best friend. 

If you need some form of policy based routing, rdr & route-to


will facilitate that. 

> With iptables
> we can set a rule: iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o 
> eth1 etc....
> With packet filter how can I have a such way of processing my packet ?
> If a setup a rule pass in on $if_internal inet proto tcp \
>       from $internal_networks to any \
>       flags S/SA modulate state
> The packet from my internal networks can also exit on my DMZ 
> interfaces !

Not if you run a default block policy it wont. 

The 1st packet filtering rule of every pf policy should be

        block log all

>From there only permitted ingress & egress flows will be permitted. 

> Is the only way to setup that is to specify a destination 
> with ! { $dmz_networks1, $dmz_networks2 } ?

There's a number of ways to skin this particular cat. 

I am partial to using generic egress rules in combination with tagging

My personal PF policy style is to code '1st' match by using 'quick' on every
Whether that's a consequence of being infected with the Checkpoint and Pix
virus at an early age, I know not :-). 

I would also counsel against the use of 'any'. 
Negation is a mite more logical and less error prone on larger policies
Tables will also reduce macro expansion. 


> Thx for any help.
> Regards
> Guillaume
> --
> Guillaume
> E-mail: silencer_<at>_free-4ever_<dot>_net
> Blog: http://guillaume.free-4ever.net
> ----
> Site: http://www.free-4ever.net
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