> Is the spamd database really 350MB-500MB??
[EMAIL PROTECTED] du -h /var/db/spamd
200M    /var/db/spamd

This is the result after 3 days from zerouing /var/db/spamd

> If you do a 
>  spamdb | grep WHITE | wc -l
>  spamdb | grep TRAPPED | wc -l
> How many records are there?

spamdb | grep WHITE | wc -l
spamdb | grep TRAPPED | wc -l

as I said earlier:
> > ......and I still don't have a good idea
> > how to use TRAPs automatically...I try to put some adresses in TRAP-list
> > manually, but I can catch only myself in test purposes.

> Do you also have another table that loads many records to pf tables?

Yes - the biggest is:

pfctl -t good -T show | wc -l

I have about 10 tables, but each of the other tables contains less than 10 

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