I have this rules working:
altq on em0 hfsc bandwidth 100% queue net_em0
 queue net_em0 bandwidth 30Mb hfsc(red realtime 30Mb upperlimit 30Mb)
{ voip_em0 net1_em0 inquima_em0 \

ibilink_em0 flextv_em0 }
   queue voip_em0 bandwidth 64Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime 64Kb
upperlimit 64Kb)
   queue flextv_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
   queue inquima_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb) \
                                               { inquimavoip_em0
inquimatraf_em0 }
     queue inquimavoip_em0 bandwidth 128Kb priority 7 hfsc(red
realtime 128Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
     queue inquimatraf_em0 bandwidth 128Kb priority 1 hfsc(red
realtime 128Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
   queue ibilink_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
   queue net1_em0 bandwidth 16Mb priority 1 hfsc(default)

And my firewall works very well, but if I put more one rule like this:
altq on em0 hfsc bandwidth 100% queue net_em0
 queue net_em0 bandwidth 30Mb hfsc(red realtime 30Mb upperlimit 30Mb)
{ voip_em0 net1_em0 inquima_em0 cliente_em0 \

ibilink_em0 flextv_em0 }
   queue voip_em0 bandwidth 64Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime 64Kb
upperlimit 64Kb)
   queue flextv_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
   queue inquima_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb) \
                                               { inquimavoip_em0
inquimatraf_em0 }
     queue inquimavoip_em0 bandwidth 128Kb priority 7 hfsc(red
realtime 128Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
     queue inquimatraf_em0 bandwidth 128Kb priority 1 hfsc(red
realtime 128Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
   queue ibilink_em0 bandwidth 256Kb priority 7 hfsc(red realtime
256Kb upperlimit 256Kb)
new=>    queue cliente_em0 bandwidth 128Kb priority 1 hfsc(realtime
128Kb upperlimit 128Kb)
   queue net1_em0 bandwidth 16Mb priority 1 hfsc(default)

My firewall begins show No buffer space available in ping and my
traffic go down.
I think this problem is with my limits, but where can I see this??

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