On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 12:03:06PM -0400, Scott Ullrich wrote:
> On 9/14/06, Thompson M Keith Contractor 16CS/SCBB
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does the version of pf in 6.1 release support the new ftp-proxy from
> >OpenBSD 3.9 or newer?
> Yes, it should work fine.  I ported the version from OpenBSD recently.
> You can find it at
> http://www.pfsense.com/~sullrich/ported_software/ftp-proxy.tgz
> However, I have been using pftpx with pretty good results.   FTP-Proxy
> was forked from pftpx at some point in the last year if memory serves
> me correctly.
> Also, we have a version of PFTPX that works with multiple wan
> connections as well if someone needs such a beast.
i'm using both at the moment, and i find pftpx pretty good, it can
functionally replace ftp-proxy. it's easier to use, more trivial,
well documented, and so on.

i suggest using pftpx, you can find it in the ports tree.


Gergely Czuczy
PGP: http://phoemix.harmless.hu/phoemix.pgp

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