* On 25/08/06 12:01 -0300, Bruno Bandeira wrote:
| Hey Guys,
| I am newbie in pf world, so i need to put my network to access internet ....
| My gateway is a freebsd machine, and i have a few questions... PS: I have
| read the manual =)
| I need to nat my network.How can i do this? I try this..
| nat on $ext_if from $rede to any -> ($ext_if)
| My default policy is:
| block in all
| And the statefull spection
| pass out keep state
| So i need to known, how can i put it working .... from my workstation i
| can't access the internet .....=(
| Thanks anyway
| Bruno

Hi Bruno,

Please try to read the PF FAQ - http://cvs.openbsd.org/faq/pf/ and you 
will finally land in http://cvs.openbsd.org/faq/pf/example1.html,
which is what you are asking about ;)



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  • Newbie Bruno Bandeira
    • Re: Newbie Gergely CZUCZY
    • Re: Newbie Odhiambo Washington

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