On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 10:59:39AM -0400, beno wrote:
> Hi;
> Is it possible to define packets according to the media type (pdf, mp3)
> that they request/send?
that requires an application-level firewall. think of a keepalive HTTP request.
the items sent back are the following: the html page, 3 images, an mp3 music 
theme for
the site, 5 flash animations, and a pdf at last.
there are multiple contencts in a single connection. even a single tcp packet 
share two or more type of contents.
think of it...

pf itself is a packet-level firewall. any application-level extensions are in 
userland, like the ftp-proxy.

> Also, what does *ssh* mean here? I would have expected a macro or a port
> number:
> pass out on fxp0 from any to any port 22 queue ssh
ssh means 22/tcp, mostly. i would add proto tcp...


Gergely Czuczy
PGP: http://phoemix.harmless.hu/phoemix.pgp

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