On 2/6/06, FreeBSD bugmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Current FreeBSD problem reports
> Critical problems
> Serious problems
> S  Submitted   Tracker     Resp.       Description
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> o [2005/06/15] kern/82271  pf          [pf] cbq scheduler cause bad latency

Hmmm, we're seeing this in pfSense on both the cbq and hfsc
schedulers.  I'm glad I saw this come through, I've spent a fair
amount of time trying to figure out what was wrong.  CBQ in RELENG_6
is still doing what this PR suggests using the pfSense shaper setup
(we've disabled it for now).  HFSC appears to work for a while (at
least I see no bad latencies immediately after load), but it
eventually (in some cases immediately) also tends to cause massive
latencies (completely idle connection showing 700ms pings w/ altq and
30ms pings w/out).  It can be challenging to duplicate this with
setups going from working to broken to working.

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