On 2/1/06, Keith Bottner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having a problem getting packet filter to redirect incoming traffic
> destined for a specific IP and port to an internal DMZ host.

> rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_http_addr port 9874 ->
> $dmz_clip_addr

If you use an RDR to punch traffic to a DMZ host, you also need a NAT
rule in the opposite direction to make sure the traffic reappears from
the same IP. What I'm doing:

rdr on em0 proto tcp from any to $user_mailserver port {pop3, smtp} ->
nat on em0 proto tcp from port {pop3, smtp} to any ->

rdr on vlan130 proto tcp from vlan130:network to $user_mailserver port
{pop3,smtp} ->
nat on vlan130 proto tcp from port {pop3,smtp} to
vlan130:network -> $user_mailserver

Of course, this leads to huge piles of rules but is working great. (2
per server per interface)

Jon Simola
Systems Administrator
ABC Communications
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