Çäðàâñòâóéòå, Admin.

Âû ïèñàëè 30 ?????? 2006 ?., 16:02:30:

> Hi I have some problems with FreeBSD 5.4 Stable  using pf and altq

> This my kernconf
> ============
> machine         i386
> cpu             I686_CPU
> ident           JOSS
> maxusers        512

> # To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
> #hints          "GENERIC.hints"         # Default places to look for devices.

> options         SCHED_4BSD              # 4BSD scheduler
> options         INET                    # InterNETworking
> ##options         INET6                   # IPv6 communications protocols
> options         FFS                     # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
> options         SOFTUPDATES             # Enable FFS soft updates support
> options         UFS_ACL                 # Support for access control lists
> options         UFS_DIRHASH             # Improve performance on big 
> directories
> options         MD_ROOT                 # MD is a potential root device
> options         CD9660                  # ISO 9660 Filesystem
> options         PROCFS                  # Process filesystem (requires 
> options         PSEUDOFS                # Pseudo-filesystem framework
> options         GEOM_GPT                # GUID Partition Tables.
> options         COMPAT_43               # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
> options         COMPAT_FREEBSD4         # Compatible with FreeBSD4
> options         KTRACE                  # ktrace(1) support
> options         SYSVSHM                 # SYSV-style shared memory
> options         SYSVMSG                 # SYSV-style message queues
> options         SYSVSEM                 # SYSV-style semaphores
> options         _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time
> extensions
> options         KBD_INSTALL_CDEV        # install a CDEV entry in /dev
> options         AHC_REG_PRETTY_PRINT    # Print register bitfields in debug
>                                         # output.  Adds ~128k to driver.
> options         AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT    # Print register bitfields in debug
>                                         # output.  Adds ~215k to driver.
> options         ADAPTIVE_GIANT          # Giant mutex is adaptive.

> device          apic                    # I/O APIC

> # Bus support.  Do not remove isa, even if you have no isa slots
> device          isa
> device          eisa
> device          pci

> # ATA and ATAPI devices
> device          ata
> device          atadisk         # ATA disk drives
> device          atapicd         # ATAPI CDROM drives
> options         ATA_STATIC_ID   # Static device numbering

> # atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
> device          atkbdc          # AT keyboard controller
> device          atkbd           # AT keyboard

> device          vga             # VGA video card driver

> device          splash          # Splash screen and screen saver support

> # syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
> device          sc

> device          agp             # support several AGP chipsets

> # Floating point support - do not disable.
> device          npx

> # Add suspend/resume support for the i8254.
> device          pmtimer

> # Serial (COM) ports
> device          sio             # 8250, 16[45]50 based serial ports

> # PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
> # NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these NICs!
> device          miibus          # MII bus support
> device          bge             # Broadcom BCM570xx Gigabit Ethernet

> # Pseudo devices.
> device          loop            # Network loopback
> device          mem             # Memory and kernel memory devices
> device          io              # I/O device
> device          random          # Entropy device
> device          ether           # Ethernet support
> device          tun             # Packet tunnel.
> device          pty             # Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)
> device          md              # Memory "disks"
> ##device          gif             # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling
> ##device          faith           # IPv6-to-IPv4 relaying (translation)

> # The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
> # Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this!
> # Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP.
> device          bpf             # Berkeley packet filter

> # SMP
> options         SMP

> # snooop
> device          snp

> ## PF
> device          pf
> device          pflog
> device          pfsync

> options         ALTQ
> options         ALTQ_CBQ
> options         ALTQ_RED
> options         ALTQ_RIO
> options         ALTQ_HFSC
> options         ALTQ_PRIQ

> options         QUOTA

> pf.conf + altq config
> ==============
> ## set macros
> ext_if="bge0"
> main_ip="xx.xx.xx" < i remove :)
> http_ports="{ 43, 80 }"
> sec_ports="{ 22 }"
> tcp_serv="{ 20, 21, 25, 53 }"
> dns_ports="{ 43, 53, 123 }"
> irc_ports="{ 113, 2000 >< 8005, 8300 >< 9000, 30000 >< 40000 }"
> icmp_t="echoreq"
tracert="33434 >>< 33450"

> ## main set options
> set timeout { frag 30, interval 10 }
> set limit { frags 5000, states 3000 }
> set loginterface $ext_if
> set block-policy drop
> set optimization normal
> scrub in all

> ## QUEUES - ALTQ rules
> altq on bge0 cbq bandwidth 100Mb queue { q_all }
> queue q_all bandwidth 100% cbq { q_def, q_pri, q_misc, q_web, q_dns, q_irc }
> queue q_def bandwidth 25% priority 1 cbq(borrow default red ecn)
> queue q_misc bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq(red)
> queue q_web bandwidth 15% priority 4 cbq(borrow)
> queue q_dns bandwidth 25% priority 5 cbq(borrow)
> queue q_irc bandwidth 25% priority 6 cbq(borrow)
> queue q_pri priority 7

> ## Default Block
> block in all
> block out all

> #=- Table
> table <spoof> persist file "/etc/pftable/spoof.conf"
> table <ddos> persist file "/etc/pftable/ddos.conf"
> table <sindo> persist file "/etc/pftable/servindo.conf"
> table <bfd> persist file "/etc/pftable/bfd.conf"
> table <int> persist file "/etc/pftable/int.conf"
> table <igh> persist file "/etc/pftable/joss.conf"

> block in quick on $ext_if from { <spoof>, <ddos>, <sindo>, <bfd>, <int> } to 
> any

> pass quick on lo0 all
> pass inet proto icmp from <joss> to any icmp-type $icmp_t keep state
> queue q_misc
> pass out quick proto udp from any to any port $tracert keep state queue q_def
> pass quick proto tcp from any to any port $tcp_serv keep state queue q_def

> pass in quick proto tcp from <igh> to any port 22 keep state
> pass quick proto tcp from any to any port $sec_ports keep state queue q_pri

> pass quick proto udp from any to any port $dns_ports keep state queue q_dns
> pass out quick proto { tcp, udp } from <igh> to any port { 161, 162 }
> keep state queue q_dns

> pass in quick proto tcp from any to $main_ip port $http_ports flags
> S/SA synproxy state queue q_web
> pass out quick proto tcp from $main_ip to any port $http_ports keep
> state queue q_web

> pass quick proto tcp from any to any port $irc_ports keep state queue q_irc

> ============================

> i try to load the configuration conf,

> # pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf.altq
> pfctl: bge0: driver does not support altq

> any one can help me to resolv this problem.

> Nb: no error messege if the altq disabled.

> Thank's
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ALTQ doen not support device bge on 5.4. It does on 6.0.

Roman Gorohov.

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