
Last week I tried to use PF+ALTQ+VLAN combination and found out that ALTQ 
doesnot support VLAN. Then after some searching found out that giving ALTQ 
support on the root device and queue'ing to the VLAN device is sufficient to 
use. But I could not find any reference for that info, either pf.conf or ALTQ 
manual. man altq says that 

        " The tun(4) and ng_iface(4) pseudo drivers also do support ALTQ" 

but does not mention about the vlan. Is this solution correct? If it is, whay 
anybody did not reference to that INFO.


altq on bge0 cbq bandwidth 0.05Mb queue { icmp }        # BGE0 is the main 
interface for VLAN1.
        queue icmp_internal cbq(default)

pass in quick on   vlan1 inet proto icmp from xxxxxxxx to any \
        icmp-type $icmp_tips keep state (max 1000) queue icmp_internal  # queue 
is used for the VLAN1 interface.

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