----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Hennessy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Josh Finlay'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Sten Daniel Sørsdal'" 
Cc: <freebsd-pf@freebsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: Multiple DSL lines, load sharing / shaping

>> I should also mention that each downloaded part would come
>> from a different IP address
>> so part 1 would be from IP1
>> part 2 from IP2
>> part 3 from IP3, etc etc
>> All downloading concurrently, each part utilizing the 512kbps
>> of each line...
>> Then being possible to utilize the overall bandwidth of all
>> available connections...
> I would have thought that packet based LB would require some form of
> multilink ppp/lacp between you and the internet service provider to work
> properly.
> Some ISPs here in the UK do offer that facility as an option on their DSL
> services.

Ah, so its not just a matter configuring it all, firing it up and crossing 
your fingers? ;-)
So it actually needs to be supported by the ISP?
I'll contact the ISP in the next few days and see what they can tell me 
about multilink ppp

> IIRC one provides a PC + DSL cards + custom Linux build which does the
> multilink goodness over the multiple lines back to their head end.
> Outbound, flow based connectivity over multiple egress points isn't that
> hard to do.
> Greg
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