Hi and Happy new year

I have some problems with FreeBSD 6 et PF.

This is my test config :

set limit ( states 600000, frags 5000 )
pass quick on { $internal_if $external_if } proto tcp keep state
pass quick on  { $internal_if $external_if }  proto udp keep state
nat on $ext_if from $internal_net to $external_net -> $external_nat

The UDP's performances are excellent (more than 500 000 contexts without
packet loss).

In TCP, using a simple test with ab ( apache bench ) failed very quickly :
- loosing between 2 and 3 sessions/1000 (serial number mode)

After analysing tcpdump traces; it seems that the problem is the
non-releasing of TCP contexts after the end of the TCP session.

These contexts remained in PF during 90 secs after the end of the TCP
session with the FIN_WAIT2 state.

Can you help me to solve this feature. Is it a bug, a mechanism of DOS
auto-protection or a mis-understood of the PF features ?

Best Regards

Eric Tyberghien
Tel :  02 23 28 31 00
Port : 06 82 81 51 85
Fax :  02 23 28 45 81

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