On 12/1/05, Marcelo Celleri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried to change the rules to what you tell me, but now the outgoing
> traffic from em1 to my clients it's not restricted...Look at this address,
> there is a diagram of my case and what I'm trying to do:
> http://host-242-33.espoltel.net/diagram.jpg

Very nicely done. If everyone who needed help could provide this kind
of diagram, there would be a lot more people willing to offer it.

Your queue setup looks to be properly done, so now you just have to
tweak the rules.

I've been thinking about whether you need if-bound states for this,
and I think you do. Any other commentors on that?

Give me a bit to think through that and I'll try and get you an
example. In the meantime, take another read through the PF guide and
see if you can pick up any pointers from there.

Jon Simola
Systems Administrator
ABC Communications
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