Yes, it was the only variable that I changed. Once I added the commas, it works like a charm.

But see my previous post - maybe there's a connection. Where I can't get to my public address via the private net (I have my pf.conf posted, pre-comma addition).


Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 06:39:54PM -0500, Forrest Aldrich wrote:

On FreeBSD-6-STABLE if I use:

tcp_services = "imap imaps http https"
rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_ad \
  port { $tcp_services } -> $server

it fails.

I can't confirm that, it works for me (substituting $ext_if, $ext_ad and
$server with simple values) on 6-release and -stable. What error do you
get, precisely? Are you sure $tcp_services is the only difference to
your working ruleset?

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