
I am going to import the following bugfixes from OpenBSD shortly:

pf_ioctl.c Revision 1.158 Mon Sep 5 14:51:08 2005 UTC by dhartmei 
| in DIOCCHANGERULE, properly initialize table, if used in NAT rule.
| from Boris Polevoy <vapcom at mail dot ru>, ok mcbride@

pf.c Revision 1.502 Mon Aug 22 11:54:25 2005 UTC by dhartmei 
| when nat'ing icmp 'connections', replace icmp id with proxy values
| (similar to proxy ports for tcp/udp). not all clients use per-invokation
| random ids, this allows multiple concurrent connections from such clients.
| thanks for testing to Rod Whitworth, "looks ok" markus@

pf.c Revision 1.501 Mon Aug 22 09:48:05 2005 UTC by dhartmei 
| fix rdr to bitmask replacement address pool. patch from Max Laier,
| reported by Boris Polevoy, tested by Jean Debogue, ok henning@

As all three have emerged from here and patches are available, I'd like to 
know if anyone has seen fallout from any of these changes.  Also, is there 
anything more that I should be looking at?

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
/ \  ASCII Ribbon Campaign              | Against HTML Mail and News

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