Okay ... so we have to look more closely ...

On Thursday 28 July 2005 14:47, Giovanni P. Tirloni wrote:
>   I've deployed dozens of gateways with transparent HTTP proxy but this
> time it isn't working and I suspect pf is somehow involved in this.
> Packets aren't being redirected anywhere. I've disabled filtering
> totally to debug this.
>   I've a rule to redirect every connection attempt to port 80 to
> port 3128:
>   rdr on $lan_if proto tcp from { $lan_net } to any port 80 ->
> port 3128

What does $lan_net contain?  And why do you need the "{}"?  What does this 
rule expand to?

>   In squid.conf I've enabled this:
>   httpd_accel_host virtual
>   httpd_accel_port 80
>   httpd_accel_with_proxy on
>   httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

Could you try to bind netcat to instead to see if it is a squid 
issue or not?

>   The rdr rule is being matched and with tcpdump I see packets coming
> into the $lan_if but nothing gets to $ext_if or loopback. They simply
> disappear (and the originating machine doesn't get a answer back).
>   Running tcpdump on pflog0 doesn't show anything either (as expected
> since there's no filter rule).

Could you add a
    pass log all
    pass log inet proto tcp from any to port = 3128
rule to get a better look at things.  Rule counters are interesting on those 
as well.

>   This was happening on 5.3-STABLE and I updated the system to
> 5.4-STABLE this week. Both $int_if and $ext_if are vr interfaces.
>   Weird enough.. this works on every other box except this and another
> one. And nothing fixes it.
>   Any way to debug this ? I've run out of ideas.
> Thanks in advance,

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
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