On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 08:45:45AM +0100, TJ wrote:
> On 03/07/13 19:27, Mark Felder wrote:
> >On Wed, 03 Jul 2013 13:02:03 -0500, TJ <t...@wallago.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> >>Well the server is not peaking in CPU its using about 50% and
> >>still has 8GB of RAM free.
> >>Yes, i need it to send more email faster and use all the
> >>resource that it has.
> >>
> >
> >You will probably want to talk to people on the Exim lists because
> >your limitation is likely the inability for Exim to effectively
> >use all resources. I suspect they'll tell you that Exim isn't
> >designed for bulk mailing and there isn't much you can do except
> >put your mail spool on a ramdisk and cross your fingers.
[format fixed, top-quoting considered harmful]
> I thought you might say that.
> So is there nothing i can do on the OS side to make things a little faster.
> Or general performance enhancements that would show some benefit?

It's not that there's nothing you can do, it's more that it's much, much
too early to say what might be improved.  A mail server (in any of its
incarnations) is a complicated piece of software (usually even several
complicated pieces of software) that does many things, uses many system
resources in many different ways at different times.

The advice to turn to the Exim mailing lists is good in that the people
there might be a bit more knowledgeable about this specific situation -
they'll probably know, for each stages of the e-mail "travel" process,
which system resources are used and how it may be improved.  They might
also know how to figure out which stage is the best target for speeding
up, etc.  Once you have this information, even if they are not very
proficient with FreeBSD and they cannot help you with the specifics,
*then* you may come back and people here will let you know how to
enhance the performance for that particular resource usage pattern.


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org p.penc...@storpool.com
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