On 10/18/11 15:26, Ivan Klymenko wrote:
> В Tue, 18 Oct 2011 16:00:48 +0300
> Andriy Gapon <a...@freebsd.org> пишет:
>> on 18/10/2011 14:30 Ivan Klymenko said the following:
>>> В Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:04:36 +0300
>>> Urmas Lett <urmas.l...@eenet.ee> пишет:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> Why is ffmpeg -threads massively slower with ULE than 4BSD?
>>>> ffmpeg preset veryfast with sched_bsd:
>>>> real    1m49.407s
>>>> user    6m53.932s
>>>> sys     0m1.700s
>>>> ffmpeg preset veryfast with sched_ule:
>>>> real    2m52.711s
>>>> user    6m50.310s
>>>> sys     0m1.582s
>>>> #uname -a
>>>> FreeBSD 9.0-RC1 FreeBSD 9.0-RC1 #0: Mon Oct 17 20:32:29 EEST
>>> probably because you have a system processor with 2 cores...?
>>> if yes - then use the 4BSD...it is better for the two cores... IMHO
>> Do you have any facts to substantiate your claim?
> well, for example:
> http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9311/plotj.gif
> http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/584/plot.gif

Thanks a lot for those diagrams.
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