On 08/30/11 21:47, Pedro F. Giffuni wrote:
Christopher Bergström and Pathscale delivered the EKOPath
Compiler Suite, but no one followed up:
(From the WantedPorts Wiki)
There has been very low interest in the FreeBSD port,
and unfortunately this is a bad signal that we give to
companies that want to contribute :(.
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that's a pitty and I regret that there is so few interest in this. I had
emails flipping around between C. Bergström and myself since I wanted to
the compiler suite for some software I needed for my
thesis, but I never got a copy. Maybe the response was so incredible low
he decided not
to respond anymore.
Since I think the PathScale compiler, even if commercial, would be a
since it uses openMP similar HMPP syntax and embedded #pragmas, it would be
a tremendous benefit for developers just shifting their code nearly
unchanged simply by adjusting their OpenMP #pragma omp towards #pragma hmpp.
But the lack of response and non-shown interests shows a undeobtly
signal that freeBSD seems to be
dead for the HPC community and this could be also an indication for the
lack of CUDA support
by nVidia, Why performing efforts if no one cares? A great chance seems
to have passed by ...
Well, the FreeBSD team must leran it the hard way ...
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