> On Jan 26, 2025, at 12:55 AM, Kurt Jaeger <p...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> Until around FreeBSD 13.2, one could create vlans with this:
> cloned_interfaces="vlan200"
> ifconfig_vlan200="vlandev ix0 vlan 200 inet"

This is the general approach to clone create interfaces, applicable
to vlan(4) but also for other driver such as gif(4) and wg(4) etc.

> Around 14.x, this changed:
> vlans_ix0="200"
> ifconfig_ix0_200="inet"

This is specific to vlan(4) only. It create interface named in this
form `ix0.200`.

> Will both variants be supported in the future (14, 15) or is one
> of them on it's way out ?

I believe both will be supported in future releases.

> -- 
> p...@freebsd.org         +49 171 3101372                  Now what ?

Best regards,

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