On 6 Nov 2024, at 21:28, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> On 07/11/2024 02:43, George Neville-Neil wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> We've been digging into an interesting possible issue in the FreeBSD NFS
>> client. Here is the scenario. I have a FreeBSD VM on my Mac, the Mac is the
>> NFS server, the VM is the client. I then attempt to build an out of tree
>> kernel module that I'm working on. The build looks like it's hanging for 1.5
>> seconds, and when we look at the packets (pcap file attached) we see a ton
>> of GETATTRs over the first 1.5 seconds. I've put the pcap up here:
>> oct_8_2024.pcapng <https:// people.freebsd.org/~gnn/oct_8_2024.pcapng>
>> I also note that an issue was raised on the forums that seems similar, way
>> back between FreeBSD 10 and 11:
>> https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/nfs-cache-misses-after-upgrading-to-11-1-
>> from-10-3.65491/ <https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/nfs-cache-misses-after-
>> upgrading-to-11-1-from-10-3.65491/>
>> I'm seeing this on 15 currentish (last few months).
> Could it be just make checking for stale targets?
> I.e., stat-ing various files to check their timestamps.
15,000 of them? Seems excessive for a kernel module of 10 files, but maybe
it's walking /usr/obj ?