--- Comment #5 from Doug Ambrisko <> ---
I haven't tried MTU changes.  I might have to block that since I thought people
on the Linux side said changing the MTU was not supported without a VIC
configuration change (via BMC UI) and OS reboot.  I didn't connect the various
offloads that the card supports.  I'll need to poke around at that.  I should
look at adding devcmd2 support.  Currently the driver supports basic
connectivity.  The VIC card is not a typical NIC.  The checksum and VLAN
offload should be easy to add support since the API into the card
is there but I never attached to the FreeBSD API.  devcmd2 is a bit more
involved since it requires another write queue for that.  It would be great if
you could try it with Linux to compare features.  Then I can dig into it.  It
seems with iflib it requires pairs of TX/RX queues.  The driver looks at the RX
and TX queue configuration and uses the smallest value.  You might check the
configuration and see if bumping up the number of queues help.  I think by
default the number of TX queues is only 1.  I haven't looked at SR-IOV.

Thanks for playing with it, hopefully you find it useful.  My main goal was to
be able to PXE boot and run machines diskless especially blades that only have
this NIC.

If someone wants to look at the offload and send me patches that would be

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