> On 11. Oct 2024, at 14:55, Alan Somers <asom...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 1:05 AM Michael Tuexen
> <michael.tue...@lurchi.franken.de> wrote:
>>> On 11. Oct 2024, at 01:07, Alan Somers <asom...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> Can somebody please explain to me how the TCP measurement period
>>> works?  When does h_ertt decide to take a new measurement?
>>> Motivation:
>>> I recently saw a long-distance connection that should've been capable
>>> of 80+ MBps suddenly drop to < 1 MBps.  Subsequent analysis of the
>>> pcap file showed that while the typical RTT was 16.5 ms, there were a
>>> few spikes as high as 380ms that coincided with the drop in
>>> throughput.  The surprising part was that even though RTT returned to
>>> a good value, the throughput stayed low for the entire remaining
>>> transfer, which lasted 750s.  I would've expected throughput to
>>> recover once RTT did.  My theory is that h_ertt never made a new
>>> measurement.  However, I cannot reproduce the problem using dummynet
>>> on a local VM.  With dummynet, as soon as I return the RTT to normal,
>>> the throughput quickly recovers, as one would expect.
>> Which TCP stack and which CC module did you use? Which version of FreeBSD?
> I was using the regular freebsd TCP stack with cc_chd.  The production
I'm not sure how well debugged chd is...
> system was running FreeBSD 14.1, but my attempts to recreate the
> situation using dummynet used 15.0-CURRENT.
Please report, if you are able to reproduce it. In that case some
BBLogs might be useful.

Best regards

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