--- Comment #17 from Egor <> ---
I tried to use bird but it didn't up bgp sessions in fib 1.


log "/var/log/bird.log" all;
log stderr all;

router id;

protocol device { }

protocol kernel {               # Primary routing table
        learn;                  # Learn alien routes from the kernel
        persist;                # Do not remove routes on bird shutdown
        scan time 10;           # Scan kernel routing table every 10 seconds
        kernel table 1;
        ipv4 {
                import all;
                export all;

protocol bfd {
        interface "mce*" {
                interval 100 ms;
                min rx interval 100 ms;
                multiplier 5;

filter vxlan_fabric {
        if (net ~ [{15,16}]) then {

protocol bgp {
        local as 4230040015;
        neighbor as 4230041240;
        hold 180;
        keepalive 60;
        bfd on;
        ipv4 {
                export filter vxlan_fabric;
                import all;
                next hop self;

bgp1       BGP        ---        start  13:55:50.007  Connect       Socket:
Connection refused
  BGP state:          Connect
    Neighbor address:
    Neighbor AS:      4230041240
    Local AS:         4230040015
    Last error:       Socket: Connection refused
  Channel ipv4
    State:          DOWN
    Table:          master4
    Preference:     100
    Input filter:   ACCEPT
    Output filter:  vxlan_fabric

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