On 7/24/2024 04:10, Roy Marples wrote:
  ---- On Wed, 24 Jul 2024 02:48:15 +0100  Karl Denninger  wrote ---
  >     I'd like to replicate this that is currently being sent up via      
dhcp6c, which is not quite-clear to me from the docs on how to do      that..
  >     #
  >       # This configuration will attempt to get /56 or a /60 from the
  >       # ISP and assign a /64 internally.
  >       # Note that if you have a /60 you can have four /64s defined; if      
you have a
  >       # /56 then obviously you can have 16 internal networks.  For most      
  >       # size networks four separate delineations is enough, for most      
  >       # sized corporate environments 16 is enough.  BE AWARE THAT THE      
ONE!  If
  >       # you ask for a /56 then sla-len is 8, if you ask for a /60 then      
the sla-len
  >       # is 4 (difference between the requested prefix length and 64,      
  >       #
  >       interface igb0 {
  >            send ia-pd 1;
  >            send ia-na 1;
  >            send rapid-commit;
  >            script "/usr/local/etc/dhcp6c.script";
  >       };
  >       id-assoc na 1 {
  >       };
  >       id-assoc pd 1 {
  >         prefix ::/56 1800;
  >         prefix-interface igb1 {
  >           sla-id 0;
  >           sla-len 8;
  >         };
  >       };
  >     igb1 is the "normal" internal network; igb0 is the external one.
  >     The ISP hands out /56s (although at one time I could choose      either 
a /56 or /60); I have routines in the script file that then      generate dynamic 
updates for DNS so the gateway has its pointers      updated if/when the address 
changes (I run my own zones)
  >     Its not entirely-clear how to replicate that in the config file for 
dhcpcd; I can figure out the script I'm sure, but the base config is not clear to 

So you would add this to the bottom of the default dhcpcd.conf file:

interface igb0
   ia_pd 0/::/56 igb1/0/64

That mirrors your config exactly apart from requesting a specific lifetime 
which dhcpcd doesn't support for PD.
rapid commit is enabled already in the default dhcpcd.conf file.
You could then edit /etc/dhcpcd.exit-hook to handle your DDNS.

You might be able to get away with this lighter config as well, based on what 
you said:
interface igb0
   ia_pd 0 igb1

Any pointers on now to make this more clear in dhcpcd.conf(5) are welcome.
Good luck!


The provided example (starting with "noipv6rs") requests multiple prefixes and starts with "ia_pd 2"; what wasn't clear is the most-common example for a single-attached endpoint that might have multiple internal interfaces (e.g. separated subnets; perhaps one for a guest network or similar, another for general use, etc.)

Most installations whether personal or small/modest-size business on a per-location basis anyway likely have one external connection to the internet as a whole, point default at their ISP and expect them to hand them their DNS pointers as well. Some folks only need SLACC of course as their ISP-provided router does all this (e.g. many people on cable modem service these days where their modem is also a WiFi AP and router) but some (like myself) prefer to do that ourselves both for isolation and firewalling purposes. Most ISPs appear to hand out a /56 (some will go longer, but few shorter) even at the individual "personal, household" connection level so I'd bet that as a "sample" configuration in the manual would suit 90%+ of the users.

Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker/
/[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/

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