> On 7/6/24 02:17, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> > Host A *still* has/had a port open, and that port can lingere
> > for several reasons, and that can cause issues.
> > 
> > Ok, good, check both A and B.
> I had checked this too: neither A nor B had the port still open.
> > MTU's?  Have you manually checked path MTU to make sure that it
> > can carry your payload correctly IN BOTH DIRECTIONS.  I have
> > seen asymetrical routes cause MTU issues due to it being smaller
> > in one direction.
> That's the first thing I thought: however a simple ping does not get 
> through and that's a small packed.

Are you pinging the inside or outside address of the vpn?
If you cant even ping the outside IP of a VPN you have
basic connectivity problems that must be fixed before even
attempting a VPN.

>   bye & Thanks
>       av.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org

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